Chesapeake- Robert Cecil Spitler III, 69, passed away November 13, 2024. Simply Cremation is assisting his family.
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Calvin R.
Rest in peace Mr. Rock, until next lifetime.....
Sonya lollar
R.I.P. Rock I always remember you being at our house growing up..You always had great advice for me...You will forever be missed...Miss and love you:)
John Eady
Always a great person. Helped me more times than I can remember. Semper Fidelis.
Kara Gudiel
Rest in peace Uncle Rock. We lost touch over the years but managed to come back into contact with each other. You were my papas best friend & we'll forever miss you.
Eric Spears
Rock was a good man of many talents a true leader and mentor to so many he fought the fight, may God rest his soul.
Jay Kaufman
Met Rock in the very early '80's when we were both assigned to the Fiberglass Shop at the Naval Air Rework Facility on Naval Air Station, Norfolk, VA. Rock was always an industrious and highly skilled craftsman who took great pride in his work. He could take what appeared to be scrap-worthy military aircraft parts and components and impressively resurrect them into serviceable condition. Rock was also valued for his willingness to help and lead his fellow employees. Rest in peace Rock, you did your country proud.
Wayne B
He was truly a great person. I feel honored to have been lucky enough to call him a friend. You will be missed dearly brother.
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